Thursday, June 24, 2010

Dancing and "Dancing"

In the midst of going out this weekend with some girlfriends and my brother-in-law, I just came across something that continues to peeve me to this day...
I am a DANCER. I'm not a "DANCER"
What is the difference, you may ask?
A dancer is someone who's studied and has a passion for dance since she was very young. When I was 5, I was enrolled in a ballet class. The next year, jazz. The next year, tap. A few years later, salsa. A few years later, ball room. Took HipHop in 2008. And belly dancing in 2009. I studied dance since I was five, and have a high passion for it. I do freestyles, and choreography. I can pop lock, do all that.
A "dancer" is someone who thinks these "dougies" and "crank dances" and "twerking" are amazing dances and that's what they do. There's no passion. They do it for attention in the club. 
Don't get me wrong, I love to dougie, I know quite a few crank dances, and I'll twerk in a hot minute when one of my songs comes on ("HOW LOW CAN YOU GO?!?!?!" lol) but I'm more than just an attention whore.
That's not all I do, and that's not the only place I dance. I dance in my garage, I dance in my room, in a studio. I don't dance just when people are around... 
I dance for ME. I dance to DE-STRESS. I dance to HAVE FUN.
I hate when I tell people I dance and they say "Oh ya gon come "DANCE" for me??!!!"
I hate going through these definitions and explanations.
Believe I do both...but I "dance" when I'm havin fun wit some girlfriends at a club, house party, etc. I dance for ME.