Wednesday, November 16, 2011

GSU Signal and "Reverse Racism"

After reading the article in The Signal, I must say I am deeply saddened by her allegations.

First of all, she targeted only African-American organizations. There are also Latino and Asian organizations, therefore if you're going to speak of one, speak of ALL. Secondly, as a Journalism major, your article is filled with AP errors and plenty of grammatical errors as well. The editor shouldn't have let this article/opinion piece fly just for that. Third, PLEASE---and I stress this to everyone---PLEASE do your research before making a close-minded opinion about ANYTHING. It makes you look horrible. Fourth, I am an ECUADORIAN woman and I am a PROUD MEMBER of the National Council of Negro Women. My mother is a woman of Ecuadorian/Middle Eastern/African/French decent and she is a proud member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. A PER-DOMINANTLY BLACK SORORITY.

I know many members of these African-American organizations that are NOT of African decent. As a matter of fact, some of the first members and executive board members of NCNW were WHITE women and WHITE men. YES, these organizations were created to uplift the African American community, BUT....the human race as a whole!

We welcome anyone into membership in NCNW and are more than happy to call ANYONE our N-Sisters/N-Brothers. Before you make such allegations, I recommend you come to a program to see what NCNW is truly about.

As an Ecuadorian member of NCNW, I can't even express the pain in my heart when people assume that these organizations are strictly geared/strictly accept African-Americans, and it hurts my spirit when people question my NCNW membership because I am NOT an African-American woman. I hope you open your mind and see the greatness of UNITY amongst ALL organizations, knowing that they are not geared towards one race.

*throws my N up in pride* I HAVE SO MUCH LOVE FOR MY NCN-DUB!!

To read the opinion piece in question, please visit:

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